where I share my experiences with the art of writing, publishing, and book marketing

where I share my experiences with the art of writing, publishing, and book marketing

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Can we stop already and look to the future?  Democrats/Socialists are bemoaning the past election and Republicans/Conservatives can’t pull themselves out of that mire that befouls the present. We need a future!  Govern damn it.  If you wake up every morning looking for a way to bring down Trump, or sully your opponent with disregard for what the country and the people who put you in DC need, then you are part of the problem.
Who are you now?  What have you become?  The search is on for our country.  If you have stolen it you will be found out.
I believe America will be great again.  I only hope it is sooner than later and by the grace of God it is acquired with no more bloodshed.
Still Writing, sorry it has been so long since I have posted, but there was another journey I needed to take.  During that journey, my husband's cancer is in remission, but he has an affect from it called Pachymenengitis, so more monitoring.  We have a beautiful great-grand baby with special needs. It wasn't even expected that she would survive pregnancy much less be born.  Enter Miracle Marley.  She is two years old now and there are still struggles ahead, but she fights on.  Finances are a struggle in this repressed area of North Carolina that we call home, but we are still standing.  Somehow through all of this I gained more spiritual strength and faith.  This is coming out in my writing more and more.  I am finishing up a batch of short stories, many of them are faith based, some are not.  I am shooting for a late August release.  I hope you will check in then to learn where the book is available.
Keep on.

In all my life I have been blessed to live in interesting times. It hasn't always been easy, but it has always been interesting. Easy or interesting this life I call mine has shown me a depth of love for friends and family that I would have thought impossible in my early years. For all of you I am truly grateful.

What I want to share though, is that my faith kept me going.  Even as I drew away from my spiritual life, somehow faith that God existed, that Jesus existed, kept me from veering too far off the path.  I was on a winding path then until finally I assessed my life and I could see where protection-- where grace had been granted and I finally accepted that which I had known, but had not acknowledged.  It didn't matter if family or friends doubted the teachings of the bible.  I had always believed them.  I knew that Christ lived a life I could never face with the dignity that He did.  I knew I could never face that death so peacefully.  It may be that he died a death that I deserved.  Somehow in that realization I came to Christ.  The path still bends a bit but I can see through to clear ground, a straight path, and I surrender myself to whatever the destination is a little more every day.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

In this time of strife, look to your good faith and let the spirit that is whole in you guide your path.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Last year I produced three books, the last of which has just been released.  Writers tend to write of their own experiences and what they know. These writings were an abstract of my own spiritual growth and—acceptance.  I did not know when I began them that they would become my gift to God, and His gift to me.  I felt a presence often, but it was not until the third book that I knew who it was.

I know there are some of you rolling your eyes, or popping your lips at that.  I know one friend in particular who will think I have gone stupid.  I have taken to telling that friend that it takes as much faith for them to believe there is no god as it does for me to believe there is; perhaps it takes him even more.

It is life that has not been good to me, not God.  Whatever He is, whatever mystery He weaves He has kept me in it.  I have very little to give Him in return.  So I chose to make the last book a gift back.

Still my books are not holy crusades; just abstracts, some reflection of what I have endured.  I wanted to share that, because now that they are written I feel relieved that I gave something back to God.  The problem I face now is how do I move on from that?

Monday, June 22, 2015

The reviews are coming in. The first is a four star!

From Gayle Pace at Books, Reviews, Etc.

Read it here: Books, Reviews, Etc.