where I share my experiences with the art of writing, publishing, and book marketing

where I share my experiences with the art of writing, publishing, and book marketing

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

MINSTRELS' GAMBIT is in the birth throes of "Real" book publishing.
$15.98 suggested retail price on all sites
CreateSpace eStore: Immediately, https://www.createspace.com/4600393

•Amazon.com: 5-7 Business Days
•Amazon Europe: 5-7 Business Days
•Expanded Distribution channels: 6-8 Weeks

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

My Foundation

My passion to be a published author affects the lives of those around me. I tend to get very focused on my work, which not only involves the creative process of writing, but the creative and business processes of self publishing as well. I love what I do and the days fly by when I am ‘working’. It rarely feels like work though.

The work falls more to those around me. My husband sometimes feels shunned and neglected. Still he manages to have the coffee ready after I sleep in because I couldn’t stop writing until 3 A.M..  I go into self imposed exile to commune with my art. This is what shows me that I have chosen my friends and family well. They do not bait me for attention or grow angry from my neglect of them. If they feel it they kindly keep it to themselves.  They seem to know, as I do, that this is a race for me. They let me run it and cheer from the sidelines. I write this today because I feel them all around me, no matter how far away they may be. I feel my husband especially, because he is rather affectionate today.

I write because I must, my mind would explode if I couldn’t. It is only recently that I have given into self publishing. I was a misguided writer who thought that to be an author I must be recognized by an editor with a degree and an office. Then one day I had an epiphany; I am not just an author, not just a writer.  I am an artist!  Maybe to some of you that seems arrogant to say.  To be recognized as an artist is like being called a national treasure.  Of course I don’t feel that way about it.  What I mean is that I live and breathe this.  I create my art and put it out for the world to see. I stand up to the critiques and I take that all away and go back to the art and do it again, striving to be better and better. I have somehow been able to step away from the desire for recognition.  I no longer seek recognition of an agent or an editor.  I write for the heart.  For your heart.  That is what I want to capture.  I write for the imagination.  I want to set yours free.  Someday I hope to be good enough that I give you the same rush that I get the moment that I put the words down on paper.

This is not only a godsend, but a gift. I get to express through my art on a daily basis. There is a gift of love that those around me give repeatedly. They cheer me and encourage me and I do not recognize it enough. A gift from God that has been in me since as soon as I could talk. I’ve always told stories. My mother used to say my imagination was going to get me into trouble. If I have this gift for imagination why must it be a bad thing? So part of this is a gift from Mom. I have always hoped to prove her wrong. My husband's gift is given knowing that we may crash and burn, but we will do it together.  I hope that my gift to him will be to soar on the winds of success.  We shall see.  I hope that the gift to my readers will be a fantastic read.

Don’t forget about those around you who quietly support you and let you do what you must. Don’t lose sight of the gifts they give you. Just by virtue of letting you do this thing that locks you away from them for hours and days at a time, they deserve your thanks at least. I hope they know they have my great respect.  I must let them know that. I pray for strength to continue and then I see my prayers are already answered. These people are my strength--my foundation.

Don’t let the desire for recognition cloud your creativity. Toss it away, it is liberating.  I will keep writing and try to get control of my misplaced commas. Although, my misplaced commas just might be my signature brush stroke. For now I have a kind and generous man who sits beside me proof- reading my latest work. I think that for all he does for me—I will hug him now. You can’t get that job perk everywhere. Go hug someone that supports you. Let them know that you stand upon their shoulders.  Let them see that they are your foundation.